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6 Eco friendly Alternatives to Balloons

If you’ve read our blog 8 Reasons Why it’s Time to Say Goodbye to Balloons you’ll know that balloons are pretty bad for the environment and REALLY bad for seabirds and turtles. But here at EcoSplat we definitely don’t want to be the fun police so here’s our top 6 eco-friendly alternatives to balloons (which are just as much fun!)

#1 Bubbles

One of the fun things about balloons is blowing them up and watching them float around the room. Or chasing after them and popping them! With bubbles you can have the same experience - and it lasts longer! Bubbles are easy to blow and fun to chase and when you pop them - no worries! There are plenty more bubbles to blow!

Because there’s no rubbish to pick up, bubbles can be blown outside or inside and bubble mixture is cheap to buy, or you can make your own. Here’s a recipe from Zoos Victoria:

A poster of a Bubble Mixture recipe.

#2 Streamers and ribbons

Another reason we love balloons is to hang on the letter box when we’re having a party. It’s exciting approaching the birthday child’s house and seeing balloons on the letter box! But balloons with strings on them are especially bad for seabirds because as it swoops down to eat the balloon which it thinks is a squid, it can get entangled in the string.

You can add excitement to your letterbox with ribbons instead. Tie a bunch of coloured ribbons together and attach to your letterbox for the same effect as balloons.

For decorating inside the house, paper streamers look pretty and there are heaps of different ways to decorate!

Twist lengths of crepe paper

Make circles of paper and connect into a long streamer

Bunch them together to make a feature

#3 Pom Poms

Pom poms are a great way to add colour to a party! You can string them up to make a bunting. They are super easy to make and you can use up old yarn you have around the house. Find out how to make them here.

Red and blue pompoms hanging on a string against a white wall

#4 Tissue Paper Balls

To make a feature in your decorations, use tissue paper balls instead of balloons. You can buy them or make your own. They decorate like balloons but they’re reusable! Use a paperclip to hold them together instead of the tape provided and you can fold them up to store for your next party!

An orange and a blue tissue paper ball

#5 Beach Balls

Balloons are enjoyable because they float about the room which makes them fun to chase and play with. But beach balls do exactly the same thing! And once the playing’s over you can deflate them to store for next time.

#6 EcoSplat

And of course don’t forget the water balloons! EcoSplat are more fun than single-use water balloons because there’s no queuing at the tap, no tricky tying and no rubbish to pick up! Just dunk, throw and repeat for endless water fights!


Two 10 year old girls sitting in a paddling pool in a sunny garden. They are holding EcoSplat reusable water balloons ready to throw them and are laughing. Lying on the grass are red EcoSplat reusable water balloons

Find out more

Water Balloons Games

8 Reasons Why it’s Time to Say Goodbye to Balloons


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